Jquery urdu tutorials

 JQuery In Urdu –   Complete Professional Course
Course Description:
  www.urdututorials.com have designed a complete professional course of jQuery in Urdu . We Claim that there is   no   course of jQuery in urdu like our course. In this course we have started from very basic of jQuery Urdu and   ended   at complete professional level. In this jQuery Urdu Tutorials Course we have worked on Ajax. we have created and slider in   this course and we have teached you to create a complete button maker from which you can created any beautiful   button of your need. we claim that you will not find this button make in any jQuery course in Urdu in the world. We   do hope that you will learn a lot from this course and will like this course and will give us a feedback. We pray for    you success. May ALLAH bless you.
    Developed By :
   Number Of Lessons :
   Duration :
   17 Hours
   Number Of Dvds :
   Language :
   Level :
    Complete Professional Level
   Home Delivery :
    Yes ( In Pakistan and all over the world)
   Available :
JQuery Urdu Complete Course- (Course Contents).
Introduction to jQuery 1
Introduction to jQuery 2
 Downloading and implement jquery
4. jQuery Syntax 5. Creating a basic php file
7. Click and Double Click 8. Mouseover & mouse Out 9. Mouseenter and Mouseleave
10. Keydown, Keyup & Keypress  event 11. Mouseup, Mousedown & Mouse move 12. Alert and event
13. What Are Selectors 14. ID selector Details 15. Class Selector Details
16. Selecting Elements with some traversing methods 17. This Selector 18. Show, Hide and Toggle Effects
19. FadeIn, FadeOut and FadeToggle 20. SlideDown, SlideUp &  SlideToggle 21. CSS Implementation
22. Animation Details 23. Stop and Delay 24. FadeTo
25. Chaining method 26. Scroll to Top 27. Call Back Functions
28. Set text and html 29. Get Text and html 30. Get and set attr
31. Adding and Cloning new elements 32. Emptying & removing Elements 33. Adding, removing & toggling classes
34. Height And Width 35. Inner & outer height & width 36. Traversing (Def)
37. Parent Traversing 38. Children Traversing 39. Siblings traversing
40. More on Traversing 41. Slider – Html and css layout 42. Slider-Cloning, appending & removing elements
43. Slider-Changing classes & getting  prefect result 44. Slider – Adding Caption 45. Slider – Adding identification
46. Slider-Coding next & previous buttons 47. Slider-Adding setInterval function 48. Slider – Fixing errors
49. Scroll event and scrollTop function 50. Creating an still header 51.  What is ajax
52. Creating a basic  php file For Ajax 53. Downloading & installing xampp server
Ajax php, get
55. Ajax php, post 56. Ajax php, callback functions 57. Ajax php, Ajax request
58. Introduction to jQuery UI 59.  Implementing jQuery UI 60. jQuery ui Draggable
61. jQuery UI Droppable 62. jQuery ui Selectable 63. jQuery UI Sortable
64. jQuery UI Button 65. jQuery UI Menu 66. jQuery UI Menu with css
67. jQuery UI Accordion 68. jQuery UI Tabs
jQuery UI resizable
70. jQuery UI Tooltip 71. jQuery UI Effects 72. Creating form html and css
73. Form selectors 74. Form selectors 2
Form events
76. jQuery UI autocomplete 77. jQuery UI Date Picker
jQuery UI slider
79. jQuery UI Dialog Box 80. jQuery UI Progress BAr 81. jquery UI spinner
82 Button Maker -introduction to button maker 83 Button Maker -Creating HTMl & css layout 84. Button Maker -Creating css array
85. Button Maker -Creating css function 86. Button Maker -Gettin css result by array 87. Button Maker -Creating editing box 1
88. Button Maker -Creating editing box 2 89. Button Maker -Coding input tags 90. Button Maker -Getting input tags result
91. Button Maker -Getting sliders result 92. Button Maker -Getting sliders result 2 93. Button Maker -Getting sliders result 3
94. Button Maker -Finalizing & getting buttons css 95. Button Maker -Applying buttons css 96. jQuery Plugins intro
97. Creating a simple plugin 98.  jQuery UI Widget factory

Demo Lessons:

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